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Vegetable Bouillon Paste

Glass Jar 270ml

Pouch 270ml
The food industry uses artificial food additives to enhance flavour, stabilise texture, and lengthen shelf life of food products.
I stopped buying bouillon cubes or powders from stores a long time ago. It must have been around the time when many people, including myself were becoming more aware of food additives such as MSG (monosodium glutamate).
Research shows that certain people may be sensitive to food additives and experience negative side effects after consuming them. Nicknamed the "Chinese restaurant syndrome", one study showed that MSG triggered symptoms in many people. The symptoms some may experience are muscle tightness/tingling, weakness, flushing, headache or migraine.
I have noticed that some restaurants and food manufacturers have changed their ingredients or label their products as non-MSG. Keep in mind, that they might have just replaced it with a different food additive or simply renamed it.
In order to avoid these problems in the first place I don't buy any bouillon, seasoning blends, packaged soups or meals.
It is way easier to avoid harmful food additives by simply using whole foods. Using whole foods will save you the time of reading through many food labels in search of a product, which is hopefully less harmful. To make it even easier, I have done the work for you and all you need to do is add 1-2 teaspoons to your meals.

Worry-free, quick and delicious.
Made with only the best quality organic whole vegetables and herbs.*
There are no hidden additives as you can see here in the list of ingredients.
Carrot, celeriac root, sea salt, onion, leek, parsnip root, tomato, parsley, mushroom, avocado/olive oil, garlic, lovage, Chinese mushroom blend, nutmeg, bay leave, juniper berry, black pepper.
Some people might have allergies or react to certain foods.
In that case this bouillon paste might be perfect since it does not contain the usual culprits.
There is NO: gluten, yeast, soy, corn/potato starch, animal products, fillers, artificial flavours, or any artificial ingredients.
Store in the refrigerator. It will be stable for up to 4 months. The shelf life of this paste is achieved by using sea salt as a preservative.
*Percentage of organic ingredients might vary depending on supply.